sunday:24 ags 2008
As i was trying to sit on one of the hight chairs,one lady stared at me...''odd..this asian girl is eating a cone of ice cream??!!''that's probably what she though of me,since she didn't stop staring at me until the time she left the shop.I heve been carving for an ice cream several day,and so..i had an ice cream.i felt bit misplaced by the way she stared at me,but the feeling quikly faded and replaed by thought of many things i stared out of the window.
The shop is located in the middle between a train station and a big shopping centre,it serves some hot beverages,cakes,ice creams and chocolates.wether people wants to just enjoy so,ething warm or pop in for a is there to satisfy it's costomers with nice and friendly staffs however it was not that which fascinated me.
I saw people....!!!
I saw couples holding hands and often kissing lightly,they look happy,but do they really have feeling of appreciation having their partner close to them?or is it just a lust?well they might not know how it feels to be far away from each other and being unreachable easly.''never mind i just wondering i said to my self''
I saw a daughter hugging her mum,who just arrived into this town to visit her daughter,they look happy,i sensed and saw it in their faces,the wide smiles and the emotions flowed through when they hugged,my feelings mingled..tears almost came unwelcomely.the scene i saw,potrayet an important relationship between mother and her child.without any commans,my brain brought back the memory regarding my mother,i missed her and wished her to be close to me,''one day you'll see her again and close to her everyday,don't worry..''i mumbled.
I saw some muslim people going in the direction to the soul wanted to fly home,it may seemed so unrelated,but to me...??that how i interpretend what those muslim people were doing?RAMADAN AND nice to be at home during this time,''The time will come soon..''i whisper to my self.
And as i was finishing of my ice cream and stopping my self from wondering further away.
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