Saturday, March 21, 2009

Addictive and authentic love says:


Add;1)I cant live without u,you give my live meaning...
aut:1)I can live without ubut i choose not to.

2)You make me feel valuable when i'm with you,i'm somebody..
2)I'm a valuable person and you affirm value to me.

3)I cant make it on my own...
3)I can make iton my own,having you as my part of my life make it easier.

4)I want you to be a total part of my life,an i want to be a total part of yours.
4)We are two separate people with individual lives to lead i encaurage you to
pursue your interest and i will pursue mine,this kind of space and divers
sity is good for us.

5)All the hard times are worth the good times,i will be there no matter what
5)Love should seek another's highest good,to the best of my abality,i will do that
for you...

6)I cant bear to think of you sharing your thoughts and feelings with someone
else,you aretheonly one who has ever understood me.
6)We are richer for sharing our lives with other people,i encourage you to have
other close relathiomship.

7)You should be sensitive to my neds,i have feelings,youknow and i need you
to take that into consideration.
7)Mutuality is the glue that holds us together,i enjoy you and in that enjoyment many of my needs for importance belonging and intimacy are met.

8)If u really care you will threat me the way i need to be threated to feel good.
8)I will accept the way u show me you care about me,sometimes i may have to ask u abt yr actions,but generally i will take at face value what you say an do.

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